
I am a philosopher working at the intersection of theoretical and practical philosophy. I am especially interested in how we can make philosophical methods and tools fruitful for practical problems – but also in what we can learn from such practical applications on a theoretical level.

My book, Applying Reflective Equilibrium. Towards the Justification of a Precautionary Principle, was recently published open access. It presents the first explicit and detailed case study for an application of the method of reflective equilibrium, using it to develop and defend a precautionary principle.

Additionally, I am interested in social-epistemological questions such as the role of experts and expert knowledge vis-à-vis social and other values in a democratic society. This is something that I also explore outside of academia as a member of the swiss association Reatch.

You can click here to download my CV.

Some other places on the web where you can find me:

I’m a member of Philosophers for Sustainability and of the working group Sustainability of the German Society for Analytic Philosophy and the German Society for Philosophy.
I petition universities and research founding agencies to press for effective reduction of green house gas emissions and signed a commitment to refrain from unnecessary flying at Flying Less.